Writer represented by Sharon Belcastro with The Belcastro Agency
 No one said that life would be easy. If life were easy, would we appreciate  it? Probably not. Life is so much more of a rewarding journey if we all make  goals, aspire to reach them, and promise ourselves that we will not let  ourselves down.

 I can remember being a pre-teen in middle school and writing stories. I would  walk around with my notebook and beg my classmates to read what I had written.  It's so funny that now at the age of twenty-nine, on the borderline of thirty,  when I post things about my writing, I have old classmates that post to my wall  or in my inbox and tell me that they can remember my passion and wish me well.  Messages like those keep me going, because they allow me place my dream into  perspective. I remember how long I have been chasing this dream and how I can't
give up no matter how hard things may become.

 Every day is another day that  I hear silence in my inbox and I wonder, is my manuscript on the editor's  desk just collecting dust, or is it being
passed from hand to hand in the office from cubical to cubical? Tough call. I  can only  keep my fist gripped tight and-- like  an author always does—allow my positive energy flow through me with a positive
vision of what is going on.

 Is the journey of being out on sub an exciting one? Sure. It is hard enough  to obtain a literary agent. I am tickle-me-pink with the thought that after so  many years of hoping, wishing, and praying . I thank the  Lord above that I have gotten this far. God wouldn't bring me this far to leave  me.

 So I hold on to how tough- as- nails one of my characters, TaSheena Hightower  is. Her life has been so difficult.   She has seen so many things,
but in the end, she doesn't dwell on how tough things have been. Instead, she  takes all of that negative energy and converts it into positive energy to focus  on her future. My main objective now is to aspire to be the character that I have concocted in my mind, promising to myself to hold on to my dream.

7/14/2013 10:36:41 am

I understand perfectly, Marissa. I think we're pretty much in the same boat being tossed around waiting for the life line of a publishing house to say 'yes.' Rejections never get any easier. But we kept the faith!

Marissa Boglin
7/15/2013 09:30:05 am

Thank you for the encouraging words, Cathrina. All of the support that I have been getting is definitely helping the process go a lot smoother. I didn't know that you were on sub too.

7/26/2013 10:07:31 pm

Marissa, I've nominated you for an award. Check out my blog if you're interested.

Marissa Boglin
7/30/2013 12:36:55 pm

Me? An award? Wow! Thanks! I am checking it out now.


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Marissa Quinae Boglin